Overview of S20

Science is the driving force behind economic expansion and human progress. Over the course of several decades, it has evolved into an umbrella for several international scientific, academic, and engineering exchanges. The objective is to leverage scientific, technological, and intellectual interactions between nations, regions, and societies in order to address common problems and form solid international alliances.

India has proposed “Disruptive Science for Innovative and Sustainable Development” as the subject for Science 20 this year.

Far from being unrelated, disruptive change and its implications for a circular economy may be both inventive and consistent with sustainable growth in a world that is constantly changing. There is an urgent need to encourage innovative science and technology that has the potential to revolutionise lives and livelihoods in a world where 8 billion people are continually striving for a better life. With its distinctive contributions to such endeavours, India is ideally positioned to incorporate this perspective into contemporary discourse.

This year, India has proposed the following themes with three focal points: 

  • A call for universal holistic health – with emphasis on prevention of disease. 
  • Adoption of clean energy for a greener future.
  • Connecting Science to Society and Culture.